Sailing course dates

Posted on January 30th, by admin in Course dates. No Comments

Dates for 2025


Back on the water in March. Dates and destinations coming soon. The plan at present is Brittany and the Spanish Rias! Give us a call for a chat anytime.

You may have read earlier that we were heading to Norway again. in 2024. Well we got as far as Stornoway ( Lewis)  and decided the weather gods just  didn’t like us! We were a bit sick of cold, strong winds and rain from the north . We ran south and had a fine time in Ireland.



Gigha in the Sound of Jura. Beautiful. Could be in the tropics!


Call or email anytime if you need more info 07974 779298


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Minke whales in Irish sea

Rolling hitch anchor bridle



Old stuff under here.



Yes. that too. Gotta be done


Close quarters sailing skills  – a big part of what we do


Warping the Cat alongside












Sark at anchor

Havre Goslin on Sark in Channel Islands


now you don't see those every day

Now you don’t see these every day.












youre smiling like the Dolphin

“You’re smiling like the Dolphin” Channel Islands









TopCat Scotland and back 2015

Great sailing, great training ! Heres a few pictures from a trip taking us from Plymouth along both south and north coasts of Cornwall, over


to Lundy thence to south Wales. Buryport, over to southern Ireland
( Arklow, Wicklow, Houth) Northern Ireland too.  Annalong, Strangford lough.  Over to Portpatrick on the Mull of Galoway. Into the firth of Clyde via AilsaCraig, Campbelltown on the Mull of kintyre, loch Ranza on Arran, Kyles of Bute then a crew change in largs.

That was just to get north. Heading south again took in  Isle of Man, Menai Strait ( north Wales) and back via the Scilly’s. What a summer!

You get a little more with Top Cat. No we don’t swan around the Solent. These are  true Cruising courses. Passage planning big time. Real passage making. Every harbour is one we have rarely or never seen before!

2013 Spain adventure

Top Cat’s summer cruise got off to a fine start with an easy sail across the channel to L’Aberildut. I remember a right old fight getting the anchor back! tried every trick in the book and still getting nowhere. Eventually tried putting a small loop of chain around the main cable and dropping it down a tight main anchor chain. Drop the main chain and pull on the small loop. It worked! we couldn’t believe it. All stop here though as we found the starboard engine had cracked a piston? So a U turn and back over the channel via Ile de batz ( Beautiful drying anchorage in perfect shelter) Limped home, Well I call it limping, but we had sails and one engine just like half a boat!. Engine  re-bored etc. Mago eventually got herself down to Northern Spain. A hard place to cruise with big swells, shallow drying entrances and harbours few and far between. Beautiful but not easy!

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